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Under the bed


Impossible Possibilities, no.9; 42″ x 42″

Recently I was visiting a friend who has a couple of my paintings in his living room. As we sat talking, I realized one of the pieces, although created a couple of years ago, was exactly what I am trying to achieve in my work now.

When he chose this painting, I wasn’t sure it was finished but I also wasn’t sure there was anything else I could do to it. As I sat looking at it that day, I realized it was already ahead of where I was comfortable at the time. I could have done that painting today and been very happy with it.

It never ceases to amaze me how the realization and understanding often comes long after the event. I’ve often told students to put it under their bed for a few months, not look at it. Too bad I can’t follow my own advice, do that with paintings.


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