Sometimes I feel like Lila and Minnie, just want to run around on top of the lake, on the ice and snow, play all day. Sometimes it feels like that is what making art is, a chase, making the time to play, to run as fast as I can. It’s snowing hard outside now. Lila and I just came in from walking on the lake, playing ball, exploring the islands. We were out there yesterday with some kids skating, Sunday with friends and dogs, on the lake every chance we can. These opportunities don’t last all year, not even all winter.
This morning I finally made time to work in my studio. Having been away for a few days, I could see exactly what needed to be done. I went right for it. It was good. But I’m out of supplies, have ordered canvas, need more paint soon, so it’s just finishing up and/or redoing a lot of work. I’m looking forward to starting some new pieces soon. There seems to be a big difference between what I have started recently and what I am reworking. There is fresh insight–not the kind to verbalize. I can say the playing field has gotten bigger.