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October is done


October was a busy month. Long days and short nights. It was exhilarating and exhausting. I have finally caught up on lost sleep, am settled into my regular life and back to an intense work schedule.

In the early part of the month I was immersed in a week long family visit. Then, shortly after, I went to Truro, NS, for two days and the opening reception at the Visual Voice Gallery. After returning home, I turned around and went to Annapolis Royal to teach a four-day workshop.

This was a group of twelve students. Some had little experience with painting but were proficient in other art forms, so the level of concentration was excellent. I did work them intensively which, of course, is more fun for me! The focus was composition, the backbone of abstract paintings. It is a hard concept to present. Most people return to their usual habitual way of working as soon as possible. I try to break through that pattern. I think everyone came away tired from four days of concentrated study.

Meanwhile, I’m enjoying the aftermath. And the autumn colors which are rapidly being blown away by the hesitantly approaching winter.


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