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New camera!

I bought a camera, finally. I did a lot of research, asked every photographer friend, obsessed, and then went to a couple of camera stores. I decided to buy the Lumix LX3. But then, when I took it home, I didn’t even want to begin to use it. I liked the idea of having a really good camera but it has no zoom to speak of and it is just too complicated, too much camera for me. As much as I love taking pictures, I’m not a professional photographer. So I took it back and got a Lumix DMC-ZS3. And I love it! It has a 12X optical zoom, goes from 25 mm to 300 mm. Since mostly I like to get in close to my subjects, this is perfect.

My first camera was a little Kodak box. My uncle Harold gave it to me. I think I was about nine years old. It was, actually, a very simple camera, just point and shoot. I don’t think I even had to focus.  Stand eight feet away from the subject.  My first photos were of the dolls my next door neighbor Carol and I played with. Today my first photos were, of course, of my pup, Lila. It’s always been hard to get photos of her because she is so dark–brown eyes, black hair and moving all the time. The Lumix, with a Leica lens, does an excellent job of definition.

Now I’m still wading through the instruction booklet.  This camera has so many new feature compared to my last one, so much to explore.  I haven’t even been able to figure out how to download the photos I’ve taken so far.  Tomorrow.


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