Well, maybe, possibly, it could be I am not going to do anything else to this BIG painting. I went in last Saturday afternoon planning to work on it but the studio was being used for a film production so I couldn’t do anything there. Maybe I was saved from overdoing it. If I do continue on it, it will take a whole new direction and I am not sure this painting wants that. It just may be done.
Before I left for Memphis and New York, I was very dissatisfied with my work. I felt I was repeating myself too often. I had begun trying out new ways of solving painting problems but was not finding what I wanted. I knew it would take some time but I was restless, impatient. While away, I was eager to return to my work. I was searching for a new visual vocabulary. Abstract painting is interesting in that way. Talking with paint and color. But trying not to use the same “words” over and over.
When I was able to get back into my studio, everything changed, as I had expected it would. I didn’t know where I was going to go; I’m just going, and I am very excited with what is happening. It’s a big change, a surprise even to me.
No photos yet. Wait, please.